Unlocking Trade Potential: Fiji’s Business Connection to PACER Plus

Members of the Fiji New Zealand Business Council (FNZBC) are being encouraged to participate in discussions regarding the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus, as consultations take place throughout the country.

David Dewar, the New Zealand Trade Commissioner to Fiji, emphasized that this initiative offers businesses a chance to collaborate and advance the trade agenda. He highlighted the importance of recognizing Fiji’s role in what he referred to as “the only significant trade agreement that encompasses the entire region.”

Dewar stated that while government entities handle negotiations, they do so primarily on behalf of businesses and consumers involved in trade. He remarked, “Trade is not something the governments do; trade is something that businesses do. We want it to work for you.” He made these comments during a cocktail event for FNZBC members on Wednesday.

He encouraged businesses to engage with trade initiatives thoughtfully, considering both their interests and those of the wider community. Dewar noted that this could lead to substantial changes as businesses bring valuable insights and awareness to the negotiation process.

He explained that this discussion is crucial not only for enhancing bilateral trade between New Zealand and Fiji but also for allowing Fiji to influence its own economic policies and hold governments accountable across the region, including both Fijian and New Zealand authorities. “That’s a really powerful thing trade agreements can do,” added Dewar.

In parallel, the Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs, and Communications is conducting consultations aimed at helping businesses, stakeholders, and the private sector reassess their perspectives on PACER Plus.

PACER Plus is a regional trade agreement formulated by Australia, New Zealand, and several Pacific island nations, targeting the unique challenges that Pacific island economies face and facilitating improved trade and economic collaboration.

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