Sapan and Purnima Pandya, devoted parents, emphasize the significance of dedicating time to children as a pillar of successful parenting. Their daughter, Kia Pandya, recently achieved remarkable results in her Year 13 exams, scoring 390 out of 400, with exceptional marks in subjects such as Mathematics and Physics. The Pandyas believe that meaningful engagement with children is crucial, especially for working parents.
Mr. Pandya advises against frustration when children struggle with schoolwork. He advocates for a supportive approach, encouraging parents to help their children find solutions to their academic challenges. This method not only aids understanding but also strengthens the parent-child bond.
Kia, who served as deputy head girl at Natabua High School, credits her achievements to hard work and sacrifice, notably giving up her phone and social media to concentrate on her studies. As she prepares for her future at the University of the South Pacific, she urges her peers to appreciate the efforts of their parents in providing them with an education.
The article sheds light on the shared responsibility between parents and educational institutions in fostering the growth of future generations. It underscores the importance of prioritizing education while also acknowledging the need for a holistic evaluation of the education system to better serve students’ needs.
Investments in the education sector reflect its significance as a foundation for personal and national development. As challenges persist in the face of evolving educational needs, parents must continue to offer support and guidance to empower children toward success.
Ultimately, the Pandyas’ parenting philosophy serves as a reminder that through love, dedication, and time, parents can play a pivotal role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.
Summary: The article highlights the importance of parental involvement in children’s education, showcasing the Pandya family’s dedication and Kia’s impressive exam achievements. It calls for a supportive parenting approach and emphasizes the collective responsibility of parents and educators in nurturing future generations.
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