Unlocking Opportunities: TSLS Takes to Schools to Empower Futures

The Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service (TSLS) will reach out to Year 12 and 13 students from September 4 to October 4 to raise awareness about available educational opportunities.

Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro shared this information during the TSLS workshop for principals, careers teachers, and student representatives held in Nadi on Wednesday. He extended his best wishes to TSLS as they start their nationwide awareness forums, urging participants to collaborate with the service.

Radrodro expressed gratitude to the TSLS board and management for organizing the awareness program and workshop. He emphasized the importance of leadership and involvement in schools and communities, noting that different students possess varying capabilities and require appropriate guidance.

He encouraged the principals at the workshop to actively promote scholarship awareness within their school communities. While students have the freedom to pursue their desired fields and qualifications, the minister stressed that the guidance from educators is crucial.

“Your engagement in this workshop goes beyond just attending; it offers valuable insight to help students make informed decisions that will enable them to achieve their aspirations,” he said.

Radrodro highlighted the evolving employment landscape and how current students’ perceptions of career opportunities differ from those of previous generations. This change indicates that career guidance staff and teachers must stay updated on employment trends to effectively support students.

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