Unlocking Opportunities: Fiji’s Role in Regional Trade Talks

Members of the Fiji New Zealand Business Council (FNZBC) have been encouraged to participate in discussions surrounding the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus as consultations take place across the country.

David Dewar, the New Zealand Trade Commissioner to Fiji, highlighted this as a key opportunity for businesses to collaborate and further advance their trade agenda. He emphasized the importance of the business community recognizing the benefits of having Fiji involved in “the only significant trade agreement that encompasses the entire region.”

Dewar pointed out that while negotiations are conducted by governments, they essentially represent the interests of businesses and consumers engaged in import and export activities.

“Trade is not solely a government function; it is driven by businesses. We want it to be beneficial for you,” he remarked during a cocktail event for FNZBC members. He underscored that when businesses engage strategically and with a clear understanding of their interests, they can significantly influence outcomes.

Dewar noted that businesses can provide insights and awareness that can shape economic policies, holding governments accountable across the region, including their own and New Zealand’s. “That is a powerful impact that a trade agreement can facilitate,” he added.

The Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, SMEs, and Communications is conducting consultations with businesses, stakeholders, and the private sector to reassess their positions on PACER Plus. This regional trade agreement, negotiated by Australia, New Zealand, and several Pacific island nations, aims to tackle the specific challenges faced by Pacific island economies by providing a framework for improved trade and economic cooperation.

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