Unity or Division? The Opposition’s Critical Crossroads

Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu emphasized the need for collaboration among the Opposition parties, noting that both groups entered Parliament through the same party. He indicated that while the deregistration of FijiFirst could have led to a by-election, this will not take place.

He mentioned having written to the 26 members of the Opposition, asking them to consider their position following the Supervisor of Elections’ decision on deregistration. He outlined the choices available: to remain independent or to join other political parties.

Lalabalavu pointed out that being independent means they do not constitute a political party, despite having entered through the party system. He acknowledged their previous agreement to collaborate during committee meetings, which he viewed as a positive step forward.

He described the current situation as a division among MPs into two working groups, which he sees as a democratic process. He reminded them that a by-election for all 26 seats is not a possibility now, and he hopes they will continue to work together effectively as independents.

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