Unity Fiji Urges Truth in Reconciliation Process: A Call for Credibility

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube emphasizes the importance of honesty when engaging with the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, advocating for consequences for those who are not truthful. He stressed that the credibility of the entire process hinges on the proper selection of Commissioners, who should be respected and trusted by the public due to their qualifications and the Commission’s independence from government influence.

Narube proposed that the selection of Commissioners be conducted independently from the government, suggesting that the inclusion of international members could be beneficial. He also noted the need for clear definitions of those responsible for coups and events that have caused harm to the community to be established in the FTRC Act. Furthermore, he insisted that the Act should provide explicit guidelines for the implementation of the final report, stating that merely presenting the report to the President is insufficient; it must be acted upon.

Unity Fiji has requested a copy of the draft Act and intends to submit a comprehensive proposal within the allocated timeframe.

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