Unity Fiji Calls for Truth in Reconciliation Process

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube emphasizes the importance of honesty when engaging with the Truth & Reconciliation Commission. He advocates for penalties to be imposed on individuals who fail to provide truthful accounts.

Narube stated that the credibility of the entire process hinges on selecting Commissioners who have the trust and respect of the people. He highlighted the significance of their qualifications and, importantly, the Commission’s independence from government and political influence.

He remarked, “The selection of Commissioners must be made independently of the government,” suggesting that if necessary, overseas members could be appointed. Additionally, he called for a clear definition of those considered perpetrators of coups and other events that have caused harm to individuals within the FTRC Act. Narube insists that the Act must also outline the implementation of the Commission’s final report.

“It is not enough for the report to be handed over to H.E. the President; it must be implemented,” he added. Unity Fiji has requested a draft of the Act and plans to make a comprehensive submission within the designated timeframe.

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