Unity Fiji Calls for Truth and Accountability in Reconciliation Process

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube emphasizes the importance of honesty during hearings of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC), stating that penalties should be enforced for those who fail to tell the truth. He believes that the credibility of the TRC is paramount, suggesting that the Commissioners must be respected figures, qualified, and, crucially, independent from government influence and political ties.

Narube advocates for the selection of Commissioners to be carried out without government involvement and proposes the possibility of appointing overseas members if necessary. He also stresses the need for the TRC Act to clearly define who the perpetrators are regarding past coups and events that have caused harm to the people.

Furthermore, Narube asserts that the Act should explicitly outline how the final report is to be implemented, stating it is insufficient for the report to merely be presented to the President; it must be acted upon. Unity Fiji has requested a copy of the draft Act and plans to provide a detailed submission within the designated timeframe.

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