Unity Fiji Calls for Truth and Accountability in Reconciliation Process

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube emphasizes the importance of honesty in front of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), asserting that penalties should be imposed on those who do not tell the truth.

He stated that for the TRC process to be credible, it is essential to have Commissioners who are respected and trusted by the public. Their qualifications and the Commission’s independence from governmental and political influence are critical. “The selection of Commissioners must be done independently of the government,” Mr. Narube remarked, noting that it might be necessary to appoint overseas members.

Narube also highlighted the need for a precise definition of individuals responsible for coups and other acts that have harmed the populace in the TRC Act. He insisted that the Act should delineate how the final report will be implemented. “It is not enough for the report to merely be submitted to H.E. the President; it needs to be acted upon,” he stated. Unity Fiji is requesting a copy of the draft Act and intends to provide a comprehensive submission within the designated timeframe.

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