Unity and Strategy: A Call to Action for Pacific Islands Forum Ministers

Mark Brown, the chair of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), emphasized to regional Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting in Suva on Friday the need for self-reliance rather than relying on external goodwill. In his opening address at the 2024 Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting, Brown highlighted the growing geostrategic interests in the region, compounded by an ongoing climate crisis that worsens annually.

“We are faced with new challenges, including cyber-attacks and transnational crime. It is essential for us as a region to bolster our political solidarity, ensuring that we respond as a unified forum when called upon,” he stated, stressing the significance of collective unity.

Brown expressed satisfaction that the ministers were dedicating time to strengthen shared priorities amid these global pressures. He urged the need for a more strategic approach to achieve their common vision for 2050. “We cannot simply depend on the goodwill of others. To realize our aspirations, we must engage more assertively with our partners,” he noted.

He called for open and constructive dialogue during the discussions, encouraging participants to maximize the opportunity before them. Brown also took the opportunity to thank the ministers for their support during his tenure as chair, expressing gratitude for the collaboration and candor over the past 18 months.

As he approaches the conclusion of his chairmanship, he acknowledged the contributions of all member states and expressed it had been a privilege to lead the Forum during his time in office.

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