United Against Violence: A Multi-faceted Approach to Gender Issues in Fiji

Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to tackling gender-based violence, stating that it requires collaboration from both the government and society. This comment was made in response to independent MP Rinesh Sharma, who questioned the ministry’s efforts to support victims of gender-based violence amid alarming statistics indicating a rise in crimes against women.

Sharma highlighted the disturbing police statistics showing a 35 percent increase in such crimes in June and a 39 percent rise in July. He also pointed out recent incidents at the Hibiscus Festival involving injury and a tragic incident involving a young woman on a ferris wheel, expressing concern over the current situation despite discussions of future policies and empowerment plans for women. Sharma pressed for immediate actions to assist victims in Fiji.

In her response, Tabuya noted that there has been no change in the statistics over the past decade, with two out of three women experiencing violence in their lifetime. She explained that the previous government’s efforts had not significantly impacted these figures. As part of a new national action plan, she stressed the importance of preventing violence before it starts by addressing its root causes, particularly patriarchy.

Tabuya mentioned that for the first time, traditional leaders were coming together to discuss gender-based violence, marking a significant step forward. She described ongoing efforts to incorporate education about gender-based violence and healthy relationships into school curriculums, an area that had been neglected in the past.

She also highlighted the need for engaging men and boys in conversations to combat gender-based violence. As the national action plan is rolled out, a survey will be conducted to guide a communication campaign aimed at preventing violence. Tabuya expressed gratitude to the Australian Government for supporting these initiatives, noting the ongoing efforts to implement the plan over the next two and a half years.

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