Turning 90: The Life and Secrets of a Fiji Icon

Rick Rickman, who is approaching his 90th birthday, believes that one’s character significantly influences life at this age. Once an avid golfer, Rickman has shifted his focus to reading, writing, occasional painting, and enjoying wine due to a knee injury that hindered his golfing activities.

Rickman, a former secretary for the Fiji Golf Association, expressed that art reflects his mood rather than a specific artistic vision. His journey in the arts began at the London School of Printing and Fine Arts before he joined the Royal Air Force after leaving school at 15.

He attributes part of his longevity to his dietary choices, attributing health benefits to a homemade mixture of turmeric, ginger, and lemon. Rickman has utilized this concoction for over two decades to help manage his health and keep cancer at bay. He is also cautious about water safety, using a triple water filter system at home to avoid aluminum toxicity, occasionally adding whisky for taste.

When it comes to meat, Rickman is discerning, usually opting for a whole sirloin from local vendors and aging it meticulously for enhanced tenderness. He humorously refers to himself as a “carnivorous clown,” sharing that he keeps pork and beef in his freezer.

On the topic of vaccinations, Rickman holds strong views. He shares concerns about the future health implications of COVID-19 vaccinations, suggesting a potential risk of myocarditis and blood clots. He claims to have lost friends to what he terms “turbo cancer,” which he links to vaccinations. He believes the human body can naturally adapt to viruses if it maintains a healthy diet and asserts that he experienced mild symptoms from COVID-19 in 2021 without receiving the vaccine.

As Rickman prepares to celebrate his milestone birthday in November, he hopes to witness legal actions regarding pensioners’ rights in Fiji, specifically related to the Fiji National Provident Fund’s previous government decisions. His passion for fairness and justice is clear as he remains vocal about the challenges faced by pensioners under past administrations.

When asked about his favorite places in Fiji, Rickman fondly remembers Nadarivatu for its pristine environment and Vuda Marina for its pleasant ambiance and affordable meals. He enjoys cocoa seasoned with chili rather than traditional coffee or tea and has traveled extensively, making it difficult to pinpoint an undiscovered destination in Fiji.

Rickman’s insights reflect both a rich life experience and a deep engagement with his community and health perspectives as he approaches a significant birthday.

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