Truth Still Buried: Chaudhry’s Doubtful Demand for Coup Revelations

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry has called for transparency regarding the 2000 coup, which led to the violent removal of his government. However, following the release of George Speight, the key figure behind the coup, after serving 24 years in prison, it is doubtful that the truth will ever come to light, according to Chaudhry. He expresses skepticism, noting that the complete truth surrounding the coup will likely remain hidden, similar to the circumstances surrounding the coups of 1987 and 2006. Chaudhry suggests that entrenched interests will continue to protect the status quo, preventing the unveiling of historical truths. Ultimately, he believes that the victims of the violence inflicted by Speight’s group primarily desire to avoid a recurrence of the political chaos that once gripped their nation.

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