Truth & Reconciliation: Unity Fiji’s Bold Call for Accountability

Savenaca Narube, the leader of Unity Fiji, emphasized the importance of honesty when individuals present their cases to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), advocating for penalties for those who are not truthful.

He stressed that the credibility of the entire process is crucial, which should encompass the appointment of Commissioners who possess the respect and trust of the community, along with their qualifications and the need for the Commission’s independence from governmental influence and political bias.

Narube asserted that the selection of Commissioners should occur without government involvement and suggested that foreign members could be included if necessary. He also called for a clear definition of the individuals responsible for coups and other actions that have caused harm, to be explicitly outlined in the FTRC Act. Additionally, he urged that the Act must detail the implementation of the final report, stating that it is inadequate for the report to merely be presented to the President; it needs to be put into action.

Unity Fiji has requested a copy of the draft Act and intends to provide a comprehensive submission within the allocated timeframe.

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