Truth and Reconciliation: A Call for Accountability in Fiji

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube emphasizes the importance of honesty in front of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), arguing that there should be penalties for those who do not speak truthfully.

He stated that for the process to gain credibility, the selection of Commissioners must reflect the respect and trust of the people, require their qualifications, and ensure the Commission’s independence from government influence and politics.

Narube proposed that the selection of these Commissioners be conducted independently of the government, suggesting the inclusion of overseas members if necessary. He also stressed the need for a clear definition of what constitutes perpetrators of coups and other past events that have caused harm, which should be articulated in the FTRC Act.

Additionally, he insisted that the Act should specify how the final report will be executed. “It is not enough for the report to be delivered to the President; it must be implemented,” he remarked. Narube indicated that Unity Fiji has requested a copy of the draft Act and intends to submit a comprehensive response within the designated timeframe.

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