Truth and Reconciliation: A Call for Accountability from Speight and Stevens

The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre has urged George Speight and Shane Stevens to sincerely engage with the ongoing Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Coordinator Shamima Ali emphasized the importance of atonement for their past actions, stating that while everyone deserves a second chance, they must take responsibility for their deeds.

Ali expressed significant concerns about the recent release of Speight and Stevens, granted through a Presidential Pardon. As a human rights advocate who was active during the 2000 coup, she recounted the lasting impact of the traumatic events on the community.

“The fear and suffering experienced by the people during the coup are still vivid in my memory. It was an incredibly frightening time, akin to total chaos,” Ali recalled. Many individuals suffered greatly during that period.

In light of the release, she noted that the community has been expressing concerns and fear, as memories of the turmoil during 2000 resurface. The Centre is calling for authentic participation from both Speight and Stevens in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address these lingering issues.

“There are already community members who are anxious and recalling the events of 2000,” Ali mentioned. “We need to reassure them, and the government must reinforce the sense of safety, despite there being no immediate threat. However, for those who endured trauma, it is crucial to acknowledge that this pain has not yet been fully addressed.”

Despite having served over 20 years in prison, Ali stated that Speight and Stevens have significant accountability to fulfill.

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