National women’s football coach Angeline Chua has lauded three players who have recently secured contracts overseas. Adi Litia Bakaniceva and Maria Veronica have signed with Hekari Football in Papua New Guinea, while Angeline Rekha has been contracted by New Zealand’s Western Springs.
Chua described this achievement as a significant milestone not just for the players, but also for women’s football in Fiji. “These players are trailblazers,” she stated in an interview with Fiji FA Media. “Their success illustrates what can be achieved through hard work and determination. We hope more players will aspire to follow their path.”
Both Bakaniceva, who plays as a midfielder for Rewa, and Veronica commenced their new journeys with Hekari last week, while Rekha, known for her exceptional defensive skills, is set to begin her stint overseas on February 1.
Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel commented on the implications of these contracts, stating, “This achievement reflects the rising standards of women’s football in Fiji, driven by the Fiji FA’s investment in grassroots programs and competitive leagues. These contracts also underscore the growing recognition of Fijian talent on the global stage.”
He further expressed his pride in the moment, emphasizing that these players’ accomplishments prove that Fijian athletes can compete at the highest levels and inspire the next generation of female footballers.
This development in women’s football not only highlights individual success but also signals a positive trajectory for the sport in Fiji, encouraging more athletes to pursue their dreams on an international platform. The increased visibility of Fijian talent is paving the way for future opportunities in an evolving landscape for women’s sports.
Summary: National women’s football coach Angeline Chua has praised players Adi Litia Bakaniceva, Maria Veronica, and Angeline Rekha for securing overseas contracts, marking a significant achievement for women’s football in Fiji and inspiring future generations.
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