A tragic incident unfolded in Malolo, Nadi, when 54-year-old taxi driver Latchman Krishna allegedly took the life of his wife, Artika Kumari, before turning the gun on himself. The distressing event occurred in their home, leaving their community in shock and their families devastated.
According to Ram, Latchman’s twin brother who lives next door, the couple’s nine-year-old daughter rushed to him for help as the situation escalated. He expressed his helplessness when he heard their daughter crying out for assistance. “I was in my flat when their daughter came running and said her dad had locked the door,” he recounted, explaining how they attempted to break down the door after hearing loud music coming from inside. When they were finally able to enter, they discovered Artika’s lifeless body and found Latchman still alive but gravely injured; he later succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.
This tragedy had a disturbing precursor; just two days prior, police had been called to their residence following a violent altercation between the couple. Artika’s sister, Aska Kumari, shared that the couple had fought, leading their daughter to seek help from her uncle. The police took Latchman into custody but released him shortly after advising the couple to sleep in separate rooms while awaiting a court appearance.
Aska was devastated upon receiving the news of her sister’s death, remembering her as a kind-hearted and loving individual. “My sister will be remembered as someone who was always smiling and caring,” she reflected.
The investigation into the circumstances surrounding these tragic events is ongoing, with local authorities emphasizing the urgent need for mental health support and enhanced community awareness regarding domestic issues. The heartbreak caused by this incident serves as a reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the critical importance of open dialogue and mental health resources to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
This sorrowful event not only highlights the challenges many families face but also emphasizes the pressing need for community support systems that can provide help and guidance. By fostering open discussions about mental health and domestic conflicts, communities can work towards a more supportive environment, potentially averting future tragedies.
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