The tragic deaths of Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna have left their family and the community of Malolo, Nadi in profound shock. The incident, which unfolded on the morning of January 10, 2025, is being investigated as a possible murder-suicide. Ms. Kumari, 41, was found deceased in their home, while her husband, also 41, is alleged to have taken his own life nearby.
Their nine-year-old daughter reportedly witnessed an argument between her parents before seeking help from a neighbor. Concerned for her safety, she led her uncle, Rajesh Krishna, to the scene, where he made the heartbreaking discovery of both of his relatives. Rajesh, who is Mr. Krishna’s twin brother, shared that the family had been experiencing turmoil, as Ms. Kumari had lodged a police report against her husband for alleged assault just a day before.
In conversations before the incident, Ms. Kumari confided in her sister, Aska, about the struggles in her marriage, indicating a growing sense of distress. Aska expressed disbelief and sorrow over her sister’s untimely passing, lamenting the loss of their close relationship.
Senior Superintendent of Police, Iakobo Vaisewa, has confirmed that investigations are ongoing to determine the precise cause of death and to fully understand the events leading up to this tragedy. He underscored the critical need for mental health awareness and proactive communication within families to prevent such heartbreaking outcomes.
While this incident reflects the complexities of personal relationships and the often-hidden struggles many face, it also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of community support. There is hope that the tragic loss of Artika and Latchman will spur greater awareness and action toward mental health resources and interventions that could help families navigate crises, ultimately aiming to avert similar tragedies in the future.
In summary, this tragedy highlights both the human struggles that can exist within families and the community’s role in fostering understanding and dialogue, as they mourn the loss of two lives that have impacted many.
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