The heartbreaking story of 11-year-old Roger Qoro serves as a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of road safety negligence. On New Year’s Day, Roger tragically lost his life after being thrown from a moving carrier truck during a church picnic to Natadola. Known for his athletic talent and aspirations, the young boy’s potential was abruptly cut short, leaving his family and community in mourning.
Roger, a Year 6 student, was excited about the future with dreams of becoming an aircraft engineer and representing his country in rugby. He excelled in sports, winning medals in sprinting events, and was a standout performer in academics, consistently ranking among the top students in his year group. His father, Roger Qoro Sr, expressed profound sorrow, reflecting on his son’s ambitions and their plans for the future.
The accident occurred when the vehicle hit a pothole, which caused Roger to be ejected from the back. Despite being rushed to Sigatoka Hospital, he succumbed to his injuries. The grief-stricken father recounted the moment he learned about the accident, emphasizing the shock and emotional turmoil that followed.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations, Livai Driu, highlighted the need for heightened road safety awareness, especially during busy festive seasons. He noted that despite police efforts, such tragedies can still happen due to the negligence of some drivers.
While the loss of Roger is a tragedy that resonates deeply within his family, school, and local community, his memory will continue to inspire others. The support and affection shown toward him during his life serve as a testament to the impact he made in the short time he was with them. This incident underscores the ongoing need for community engagement in promoting road safety to prevent accidents like this in the future.
In this challenging time, it is crucial for families and communities to come together, honoring the dreams and potential of young ones like Roger, and to continue fostering a safer environment for all.
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