In a tragic start to 2025, a 46-year-old farmer from Vivili village in Savusavu has become the first road fatality of the year in Fiji. The incident occurred early this morning on Naidi, Buca Bay Road, when a vehicle lost control and struck the farmer as he walked on the roadside. He died at the scene.
Senior Superintendent of Police Mitieli Divuana, Director of Traffic Control, expressed deep sorrow over the accident, especially given that school commences tomorrow. SSP Divuana highlighted the need for all road users to exercise caution, as many students will be using the roads during this busy period. “We are calling on everyone to be cautious while on the road. If you are traveling in a bus, taxi, or even as a pedestrian, please prioritize safety,” he urged.
The driver involved in the collision is currently in police custody as investigations continue into the circumstances surrounding the accident. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for heightened awareness and adherence to road safety regulations, particularly as the new school year begins.
Despite this unfortunate event, it is worth noting that Fiji’s national road death toll has shown a positive decline, decreasing from 73 fatalities last year to 54 in the same period this year. This indicates that ongoing efforts to promote road safety may be gradually making a positive impact. It is hoped that continued education and enforcement of safety measures will further reduce road accidents and save lives in the future.
As the community mobilizes to ensure a safe environment for all, a collective commitment to road safety can protect vulnerable road users, especially children, and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
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