A tragic incident occurred in Naituvatuvavatu Village, Wainibuka, when a 5-year-old girl was swept away by strong currents while attempting to cross the Waisomi River. The accident happened as she was returning home with her 32-year-old aunt and seven other children after gathering edible lady fern.
The case has been reported to local police by the village leader (Turaga ni Koro). Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO) Livai Driu confirmed that three police officers were deployed to assist in the search efforts. Unfortunately, the operation was halted due to poor visibility and adverse weather conditions, but search efforts are expected to resume today.
ACPO Driu emphasized the critical role of parental supervision, especially during the school holiday period. He urged parents to take on additional responsibility and be more vigilant about their children’s whereabouts, highlighting the importance of spending quality time with them instead of attending social gatherings.
This incident serves as a poignant reminder for families to prioritize safety and closely supervise children in potentially hazardous situations. By doing so, families can help prevent such tragedies in the future.
In summary, community awareness and active parental involvement are essential to safeguarding children during holiday periods. As search efforts continue, there is hope that the girl’s family may find solace in the support and solidarity of the community.
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