The Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO), Livai Driu, has emphasized the need for heightened parental vigilance this school break following a tragic incident in which a five-year-old girl from Naituvatuvatu Village, Wainibuka, Tailevu, was swept away by strong currents. The heartbreaking event occurred on Saturday while the girl was crossing the Waisomi River alongside seven other children and her 32-year-old aunt after gathering edible lady fern (Ota).
Rescue efforts were promptly initiated, but were halted due to darkness and unfavorable weather conditions. The young girl’s body was ultimately recovered the following morning. ACPO Driu highlighted the importance of parental supervision, especially during the holidays, urging families to engage more closely with their children and avoid large gatherings where safety could be compromised.
This incident serves as a critical reminder for parents to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions when their children are outdoors, particularly in areas prone to strong currents and other hazards. By ensuring children are closely monitored during these festive times, families can work together to prevent tragedies.
In the face of sadness, it is essential to foster a community spirit of care and responsibility, reinforcing the role of parents as protectors and guides. This tragedy could spark broader conversations about safety measures and community support systems to safeguard children during school breaks.
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