Tragic Loss: A Father’s Last Moments Before the Unthinkable

Losing a partner unexpectedly is a profound hardship, especially for Vilisi Verebasoga from Tavualevu Village, who mourns the sudden death of her husband, Jope Tuivanuavou, 55. He tragically died in a locomotive accident on Wednesday at noon while transporting sugarcane to the Lautoka Mill. His colleague remains hospitalized with serious injuries. Eyewitnesses reported that the locomotive derailed off the sugarcane bridge at Lausa.

Ms. Verebasoga reflected on her husband’s character, describing him as a devoted man of faith and the senior pastor of the Fiji Evangelical Church’s Tavua branch. She was at home when she received the news of the accident, a call that deeply affected her. Despite her grief, she expressed gratitude, stating that she sensed divine signs and had fasted for a week in preparation for the challenges ahead.

She recounted their last moments together, highlighting a prayer meeting held the night before the accident. On Wednesday morning, she felt inclined to wake her husband for prayer, sensing a potential harm. Following their prayer, he had breakfast, embraced her, and left for work, marking their last exchange.

Earlier in the week, Mr. Tuivanuavou had communicated with their children, both locally and those living in New Zealand, reminding them to care for themselves. The family is struggling to cope with his unexpected demise, as he was a humble and nurturing family man.

While grieving their loss, Ms. Verebasoga finds solace in her faith, referencing Proverbs 19:21, which speaks to the supremacy of God’s will amid human plans. She aims to accept the situation, feeling at peace knowing her husband is in God’s care.

Arrangements for the funeral will commence following Mr. Tuivanuavou’s post-mortem examination. Relatives from New Zealand are expected to arrive next week, likely coordinating the funeral for that time. He is survived by his wife, eight children, and four grandchildren.

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