Illustration of 12-year-old’s death was preventable, says LTA chief

Tragic Loss: A Call for Safer Roads and Responsible Driving

The tragic death of a 12-year-old boy, who fell from a moving vehicle, has been deemed preventable by Irimaia Rokosawa, the chief executive officer of the Land Transport Authority (LTA). In light of this unfortunate incident, Mr. Rokosawa is emphasizing the importance of vigilance and responsible driving habits among all road users.

According to reports, the boy was ejected from the vehicle after it hit potholes, leading him to land on the tar-sealed roadway. “This unfortunate loss of life was preventable,” Mr. Rokosawa stated, underscoring the need for drivers to maintain a heightened sense of awareness and adopt safe driving practices, especially on challenging road surfaces.

He highlighted that drivers should slow down on uneven terrain and ensure that all passengers are properly secured in their seats. “I urge drivers to use proper judgment and prioritize the safety of passengers above all else when making decisions on the road,” he said.

Mr. Rokosawa also called for a cultural shift towards greater road safety, warning that speeding can significantly reduce reaction time and exacerbate the impact of accidents. He reminded everyone of their shared responsibility to foster safer travel environments and urged against recklessness.

The LTA continues to champion road safety education initiatives aimed at promoting responsible driving behaviors and mindful passenger conduct. This call for awareness serves as a reminder that the safety of every individual on the road is paramount.

With a focus on awareness and education, there is hope that such tragic incidents can be mitigated in the future through responsible actions and a collective commitment to safety.

Summary: The death of a 12-year-old boy who fell from a vehicle has been labeled preventable by LTA CEO Irimaia Rokosawa. He emphasizes the need for cautious driving, especially on rough roads, and urges a shift toward a safety-first mindset to prevent future tragedies. The LTA continues its efforts in road safety education to promote responsible behavior among drivers and passengers alike.


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