The tragic deaths of Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna, both 41, have left their family and community in profound shock following an incident in Malolo, Nadi, on January 10, 2025. Ms. Kumari was found dead in their home, while it is alleged that Mr. Krishna took his own life just outside, prompting investigations into a possible murder-suicide scenario.
At the center of this heartbreaking story is the couple’s nine-year-old daughter, who reportedly witnessed an argument between her parents before seeking help from neighbors. After the confrontation, she led her uncle, Rajesh Krishna—Latchman’s twin brother—to the scene, where he discovered the devastating aftermath. Rajesh expressed his grief, noting that the family had recently been embroiled in turmoil, especially after Ms. Kumari lodged a police report against her husband for alleged assault just a day prior to the incident.
Artika’s sister, Aska, shared that their last conversation involved discussions about marital difficulties, which has only intensified the family’s disbelief and sorrow in light of her unexpected death. Senior Superintendent of Police, Iakobo Vaisewa, has confirmed that investigations are ongoing to ascertain the precise circumstances surrounding this tragic event.
This situation underscores the urgent need for mental health awareness and open discussions within families and communities to help prevent such tragedies. As the community mourns the loss of Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna, there is hope that their story will lead to greater awareness of mental health resources and supportive frameworks for families in crisis.
This heartbreaking incident serves not only as a reminder of the complexities of personal relationships but also emphasizes the vital importance of community support during such challenging times. By fostering conversations around mental health and creating avenues for intervention, communities can better equip themselves to handle crises and potentially avert similar tragedies in the future.
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