A tragic incident occurred in Nadi when a 12-year-old student lost his life after being thrown from a moving vehicle. The boy, who was among a group of youths traveling on Natadola Road, was seated in the back of a carrier truck. The vehicle traversed a rough section of road, causing the student to fall onto the asphalt.
Emergency services transported him to Sigatoka Hospital, where he unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO) Livai Driu expressed his sorrow over the incident, emphasizing the importance of road safety and responsible driving, especially during the festive season. He lamented that despite police efforts to ensure safety on the roads, drivers sometimes fail to take adequate precautions, leading to such avoidable tragedies.
The body of the young student is currently at Sigatoka Hospital awaiting a post-mortem examination.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for vigilance and responsibility when it comes to road safety. It highlights the dangers of unsafe vehicle practices, urging drivers to prioritize the well-being of their passengers and adhere to safety measures. As the community mourns this loss, there is hope that increased awareness and stricter adherence to road regulations can prevent similar tragedies in the future.
The call for greater accountability among drivers is more vital than ever as we navigate a busy season filled with travel and festivities.
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