A tragic incident occurred involving a 12-year-old student from Sabeto, Nadi, who lost his life after being thrown from a moving vehicle. The student was reportedly among several youths riding in the back tray of a carrier vehicle traveling along Natadola road. As the vehicle navigated through potholes, the young boy was ejected and fell onto the asphalt.
He was quickly taken to Sigatoka Hospital but unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO) Livai Driu described the incident as deeply saddening. He reiterated the importance of road safety, especially during the festive season when police presence is heightened. “Despite our ongoing efforts and warnings regarding road safety, some drivers still act irresponsibly,” ACP Driu noted, emphasizing that the police cannot be everywhere to ensure compliance.
The boy’s body is currently at Sigatoka Hospital, where it awaits a post-mortem examination.
This heartbreaking event underscores the critical need for greater awareness and adherence to safety regulations while driving, especially during busy periods. It serves as a reminder for the community to prioritize the safety of all road users, especially young passengers, to prevent such tragedies in the future. While the loss is profound, it may inspire a dedicated effort toward enhancing road safety measures to protect the lives of children and all individuals on the road.
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