A tragic incident occurred yesterday when a 12-year-old student from Sabeto, Nadi, lost his life after being thrown from a moving vehicle. The young boy was reportedly traveling with a group of youths sitting in the back tray of a carrier vehicle along Natadola. As the vehicle navigated through potholes, the impact caused him to be ejected onto the tarseal road.
Emergency services rushed the child to Sigatoka Hospital, where he unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. The Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations, Livai Driu, expressed profound sadness over the event, emphasizing the importance of road safety during the festive season. He noted that despite ongoing efforts to ensure responsibility among drivers, accidents still occur, highlighting a need for greater driver accountability.
At present, the boy’s body is at Sigatoka Hospital, pending a post-mortem examination.
The loss of such a young life serves as a sobering reminder of the critical need for road safety awareness. While law enforcement agencies strive to maintain safety, it ultimately falls on drivers to prioritize the well-being of their passengers. Such tragedies can hopefully encourage communities to promote safer driving practices and advocate for better road conditions, fostering a culture of responsibility on the road.
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