The tragic loss of two young individuals, Pisawaqa Sirovoama, 20, and Meri Nadaba, 25, has cast a shadow over families and friends, as well as contributing to the increasing road death toll. The accident occurred early Saturday morning along the Queens Highway at Kulukulu Sigatoka, where a vehicle, reportedly driven by an individual believed to be heavily intoxicated, failed to navigate a curve and crashed into an electric power pole.
In the vehicle were two males and two females. While two individuals lost their lives, one person remains hospitalized at Aspen Hospital, and another has since been discharged.
The Fiji Police Force Director of Traffic and Transport Control, Senior Superintendent Mitieli Divuana, expressed sorrow over the occurrence of two fatal accidents within just 24 hours. He emphasized the responsibility of drivers to prioritize the safety of their passengers and pedestrians alike, stating that both the police and the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will enhance efforts to ensure road safety.
Mereani Qarikau, a close friend and colleague of Meri Nadaba, shared her disbelief at the sudden loss, recalling how they had communicated as recent as the night before the accident. “She is such a lovely lady with a beautiful heart,” Qarikau reflected, expressing that the workplace would feel incomplete without her presence.
Rosi Tagilala, a cousin of both victims, voiced her family’s devastation, emphasizing their struggle to come to terms with the premature loss of the young cousins. “It hurts us so much that their lives have been taken away so early,” she lamented.
In the wake of this incident, the road death toll currently stands at 61, a slight decrease compared to 76 at the same time last year, suggesting ongoing efforts to improve road safety may be making some impact.
This heartbreaking event serves as a reminder for everyone, especially drivers, to prioritize safety on the roads and make responsible choices to protect lives.
In summary, the untimely deaths of Pisawaqa and Meri highlight the crucial importance of road safety and responsible driving behavior. While the loss is devastating, it can also inspire a renewed commitment to safer roads and community awareness.
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