Roger Qoro Sr is facing an overwhelming tragedy after the loss of his son, Roger Qoro Jr, who was affectionately known as the “golden boy” of Sabeto Village in Nadi. The 12-year-old boy tragically died after being thrown from a moving vehicle on a Wednesday during a New Year’s picnic at Natadola Beach, where he had joined members of the Revival Church.
His father recounted how Roger Jr traveled to the beach by bus that morning but decided to return home with friends in a carrier that was transporting tents. Mr. Qoro received a phone call from his wife, informing him that their son had followed his friends and later learned that Roger Jr had fallen from the carrier.
Witnesses to the accident quickly took the boy to Sigatoka Hospital. Mr. Qoro shared that his son was responsive but kept his eyes closed when family members arrived at the hospital. Sadly, when he called for an update that evening, he was met with heart-wrenching news; Roger Jr had died from internal injuries and bruising.
The young boy was well-loved in his community, known for his hard work, reliability, and outstanding achievements at Sabeto District School, where he excelled both academically and athletically. His impressive collection of sports medals led to his beloved nickname, “golden boy.”
Although funeral arrangements are still in progress, the sense of loss is palpable within the community as they come to terms with the absence of such a vibrant and cherished member. The Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations, Livai Driu, also expressed his condolences and concerns over this tragic incident.
This heartbreaking story highlights the fragility of life and the importance of safety during such gatherings. It serves as a reminder to communities to prioritize protective measures to prevent similar tragedies in the future. Despite the sorrow, the collective memory of Roger Jr as a hardworking and loving individual will continue to resonate within his village, fostering a spirit of unity and remembrance.
In summary, the passing of Roger Qoro Jr has left a significant impact on his community and family. His legacy as the “golden boy” will undoubtedly live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved him.
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