Roger Qoro Sr is mourning the tragic loss of his son, Roger Qoro Jr, known affectionately as the “golden boy” of Sabeto Village in Nadi. The 12-year-old’s life was cut short after a heartbreaking accident on Wednesday, during which he was thrown from a moving vehicle.
On the morning of the tragedy, Roger Jr had gone to Natadola Beach with members of the Revival Church for a New Year’s picnic. Although he initially traveled by bus, he chose to ride back with friends in a carrier that was transporting tents. His father received a call from his wife indicating that Roger Jr had followed his friends. Moments later, he got the unsettling news that his son had fallen from the vehicle.
Witnesses to the accident quickly rushed Roger Jr to Sigatoka Hospital. According to Mr. Qoro, the initial report was that his son was responsive, though his eyes remained closed. Sadly, Mr. Qoro’s concerns intensified throughout the evening, and by 7 PM, his worst fears were confirmed when he learned from the hospital staff that Roger Jr had passed away due to severe internal injuries and bruising.
Roger Jr was cherished by those in his community, known for his hard work, reliability, and impressive accomplishments in both academics and athletics at Sabeto District School, earning him the nickname “golden boy” for his sports achievements. As his family and the village prepare for his funeral, his absence is profoundly felt.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations, Livai Driu, has expressed his condolences and concern regarding the heart-wrenching incident, reflecting the community’s grief over the loss of such a promising young life.
This tragic event serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the impact of community support during moments of grief. The community’s collective mourning for Roger Jr illustrates the interconnectedness and strength of human relationships during challenging times.
Summary: Roger Qoro Sr is coping with the tragic loss of his 12-year-old son, Roger Qoro Jr, known as the “golden boy” in their village, who died after falling from a moving vehicle. The community is grieving the loss of a beloved child who excelled academically and athletically. The incident highlights the importance of support and solidarity in times of grief.
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