Tragically, a 5-year-old girl who had gone missing in the Waisomo River, located in Tailevu, has been discovered deceased. She was swept away by powerful river currents while accompanied by seven other children and her 32-year-old aunt, as they were making their way back from gathering edible lady fern, known locally as ota.
The circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking event are currently being investigated, with authorities treating it as a suspected drowning. A post-mortem examination is scheduled for tomorrow to provide further clarity on the cause of death.
While this situation is undeniably devastating, it serves as a poignant reminder for families and communities to prioritize safety, especially around water bodies. The tragedy has highlighted the necessity for awareness and preventive measures in order to avoid similar occurrences in the future.
As the community processes this loss, there is hope that through grief, they can come together to support one another and ensure that children remain safe during outdoor activities.
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