The tragic incident involving the deceased couple Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna in Malolo, Nadi, has left their family and community in shock. The couple, both aged 41, were discovered under heartbreaking circumstances on Friday morning. Ms. Kumari was found dead in their home, while Mr. Krishna is alleged to have taken his life just outside.
Authorities have indicated that preliminary investigations suggest Mr. Krishna may have murdered his wife before committing suicide. The couple leaves behind a nine-year-old daughter, who reportedly witnessed a heated argument between her parents prior to the tragic events. She was taken to a neighbor’s home by her father early the following morning.
Rajesh Krishna, Mr. Krishna’s twin brother, discovered the shocking scene after checking on them at the request of the young girl. He reported that their family had faced issues lately, with Ms. Kumari lodging a police report against her husband for alleged assault just a day prior. This turmoil has compounded the emotional impact on the family and friends left behind.
In response to the incident, Senior Superintendent of Police Iakobo Vaisewa confirmed that investigations are underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the couple’s deaths. He emphasized the importance of mental health awareness and support in confronting such tragic situations.
This incident has sparked conversations in the community about the urgent need for mental health resources and intervention strategies. Authorities and community leaders highlight the importance of open dialogues surrounding mental health issues to prevent further tragedies.
As this story develops, it serves as a reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the far-reaching consequences of unresolved conflict. Families, neighbors, and local organizations are encouraged to come together to provide support for each other in times of crisis.
In summary, while the investigation continues, the tragic loss of Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna resonates deeply within their community, underlining the importance of mental health resources and support networks.
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