A tragic incident in Malolo, Nadi, has left family and community members mourning the death of 41-year-old couple Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna. On the morning of January 10, 2025, Ms. Kumari was found dead in their home, while Mr. Krishna is alleged to have taken his life just outside. Investigations are currently underway, with initial findings suggesting a possible murder-suicide scenario.
The couple leaves behind a nine-year-old daughter who reportedly witnessed an intense argument between her parents earlier. In a courageous act, she sought help from a neighbor and subsequently led her uncle, Rajesh Krishna—who is also Latchman’s twin brother—to the scene, where he made the devastating discovery.
Reports indicate that the family had been experiencing turmoil, as Ms. Kumari had filed a police report against her husband for alleged assault just a day before this tragic event unfolded. Ms. Kumari’s sister, Aska, shared that in their last conversation, she had expressed concerns regarding her marital problems. The suddenness of the tragedy has left Aska and other family members in disbelief and sorrow.
Senior Superintendent of Police, Iakobo Vaisewa, confirmed that investigations are ongoing. He emphasized the importance of mental health awareness and the critical need for open communication within families and communities to help prevent such heartbreaking outcomes.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges that many families face, underscoring the urgent need for mental health resources and community support systems. As the community deals with this profound loss, there is hope that this tragedy will lead to greater awareness and proactive measures, fostering healthier family dynamics and potentially preventing future heartaches.
In summary, as the investigation continues, Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna’s story resonates with the importance of mental health and the need to support one another in times of crisis. It encourages communities to engage in open dialogues, addressing domestic issues with empathy and understanding.
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