A tragic incident occurred in Naituvatuvavatu village, Wainibuka, when a 5-year-old girl was swept away by strong currents in the Waisomi river while crossing with seven other children and her 32-year-old aunt after gathering edible lady fern.
The local Turaga ni koro informed the police about the situation. Following the report, Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO) Livai Driu stated that three police officers were dispatched to assist in the search efforts. However, the search was halted due to darkness and adverse weather conditions, with plans to resume the following day.
ACPO Driu emphasized the importance of parental supervision, especially during school breaks. He urged parents to be more responsible and vigilant regarding their children’s safety, advocating for spending quality time with them instead of attending gatherings.
This incident serves as a critical reminder of the need for child safety, especially during active seasons when children are more likely to be outdoors. Communities can come together to strengthen awareness and ensure safety measures are in place near rivers and other potentially hazardous areas.
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