Tragedy Strikes: A Father’s Last Moments Before a Devastating Accident

Vilisi Verebasoga from Tavualevu Village is grappling with the sudden loss of her husband, Jope Tuivanuavou, who was 55 years old. He tragically passed away in a locomotive accident in Lausa, Tavua, around noon on Wednesday. His colleague is currently hospitalized with serious injuries at Aspen Medical Lautoka Hospital.

The two men were transporting sugarcane to the Lautoka Mill when the accident occurred, with witnesses reporting that the locomotive had derailed while crossing the Lausa sugarcane bridge.

Ms. Verebasoga described her husband as a dedicated man of faith, serving as the senior pastor for the Fiji Evangelical Church’s Tavua branch. She recounted that she was at home when she received the distressing news from a worker. Despite the heartbreak, she expresses her gratitude, believing that God had been preparing her for this moment through signs during her week of fasting.

Reflecting on their last moments together, she shared that her husband had invited fellow church members to spend the night at their home after a prayer meeting on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning, Ms. Verebasoga woke him for prayer, as she had a premonition about his safety. They shared a breakfast and a hug before he left for work, marking their final exchange.

In the days leading up to the tragedy, Mr. Tuivanuavou reached out to their children in New Zealand, Kadavu, and those at home, urging them to take care of themselves. His passing has been particularly challenging for the family, as he was known for being humble, caring, healthy, and devoted to his family.

Ms. Verebasoga finds solace in her faith, quoting Proverbs 19:21, which emphasizes the importance of aligning with God’s will. She is comforted by the belief that her husband is now in the Lord’s care.

Funeral arrangements are yet to be finalized, pending Mr. Tuivanuavou’s post-mortem results. Relatives from New Zealand are expected to arrive next week, and the funeral may take place then. He leaves behind his wife, eight children, and four grandchildren.

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