Vilisi Verebasoga from Tavualevu Village is grappling with the loss of her husband, Jope Tuivanuavou, who passed away unexpectedly at the age of 55 due to a locomotive accident on Wednesday at Lausa, Tavua. The incident occurred around noon while Tuivanuavou and a colleague were transporting sugarcane to the Lautoka Mill. Eyewitnesses reported that the locomotive derailed off the sugarcane bridge.
Ms. Verebasoga described her husband as a devoted man who served as the senior pastor of the Fiji Evangelical Church in Tavua. She recounted the moment she learned of the tragedy, revealing that she was at home when a worker informed her about the accident. Despite her grief, she expressed gratitude, noting that she had sensed something was amiss and had fasted for a week leading up to the incident.
In her reflection, she shared the couple’s last moments together, stating that after a prayer meeting on Tuesday night, her husband invited their group members to stay at their home. The following morning, she awoke him for prayer, feeling an intuition about potential danger. After they prayed, Tuivanuavou had breakfast, hugged her, and left for work, marking their final exchange.
Throughout the week, Tuivanuavou had reached out to their children living in various locations, including New Zealand and Kadavu, advising them to take care of themselves. Ms. Verebasoga noted that their children are struggling to cope with their father’s sudden passing, describing him as a humble and caring family man.
In accepting her loss, she cited Proverbs 19:21, emphasizing her belief that while many plans exist, it is ultimately God’s will that prevails. She seeks solace in knowing her husband is in the care of the Lord. Funeral arrangements will proceed once a post-mortem is completed, with plans for relatives from New Zealand to arrive next week for the service.
Mr. Tuivanuavou leaves behind his wife, eight children, and four grandchildren.