Tradition vs. Modernity: Savatu Villages Struggle Over Cultural Practices

Villages in the Savatu district of Ba are currently experiencing a significant transition as they navigate the balance between traditional customs and modern practices.

What was once a common sight during the solevu ceremony—drums of kerosene—are increasingly being replaced by cooking pots in some villages, leading to debates about cultural preservation versus practical realities.

The Savatu district, encompassing the villages of Lewa, Naiyaca, Nagatagata, Buyabuya, Marou, Koro, and Nadala, has witnessed a gradual shift initiated by traditional leaders last year to move away from kerosene due to issues regarding the quality of the substance, with some drums reported as being only partially filled and sometimes adulterated with water.

While several villages have opted to embrace this change, others are holding firm to their traditional customs, asserting that the presence of kerosene drums and the traditional tabua remains vital for the solevu ceremonies.

Timoci Ketewai from Nadala Village expresses his strong opposition to the removal of kerosene in these practices. He stated, “It is not appropriate,” emphasizing that “solevu has always involved the contribution of either drums of kerosene or the tabua. This has been our practice for generations, and it should be preserved.”

In contrast, Sanita Lewavudi from Nadarivatu echoes the sentiments favoring traditional practices, criticizing those who water down kerosene, viewing it as a disrespect to iTaukei cultural values. “Our contributions should reflect our respect for tradition,” she remarked, adding that “bringing cooking pots without kerosene drums feels like a departure from our cultural identity.”

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