Tractors in Turmoil: What’s Really Going On with Fiji’s Farming Equipment?

The condition of most of the 30 Mahindra tractors purchased by the former management of the Fiji Sugar Corporation (FSC) in May 2019 is concerning, with many not operating at their full capacity. This information came to light during a recent consultation meeting with cane growers in Lautoka, where FSC’s head of agriculture, Lakshman Jayaraman, was present alongside Minister for Sugar Charan Jeath Singh.

During the discussions, growers expressed their frustrations regarding the current tractor service providers (TSP) scheme offered by the FSC, stating that it does not adequately meet their needs and that additional service providers are required. Questions were raised about the 30 Mahindra tractors that were acquired five years ago.

Mr. Jayaraman acknowledged the issues, stating, “It has been six years now and they are in need of maintenance. We are unable to operate them with full efficiency.” He further noted the establishment of the TSP scheme to support growers, but mentioned the poor condition of the tractors. In Hindi, he cautioned growers against relying on the FSC tractors due to their age, frequent breakdowns, and the inability of drivers to perform necessary maintenance.

Vimal Dutt, CEO of the Sugar Cane Growers Council, commented on the substandard quality of the implements associated with these tractors, stating, “It was a very good scheme because there was even a driver allocated for each sector, but as they were used, some parts broke down, putting pressure on the tractors. Most of the tractors are now in poor condition.”

Mr. Jayaraman indicated that among the 139 TSP at the three sugar mills, only 63 are functioning effectively. He assured growers that the FSC is actively assessing the situation and is open to bringing in new TSP providers to address the issues.

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