Tough Talks Ahead: Should Non-Independent Nations Join the Pacific Islands Forum?

The Permanent Secretary of the Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Collin Beck, emphasized the need for serious discussions regarding the participation of non-independent nations in the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). Beck highlighted that the PIF was originally designed to include only independent nations in compliance with international law and the UN Charter.

New Caledonia was admitted as a full member in 2016 under the premise of undergoing decolonization. Currently, the candidacies of Guam and American Samoa for associate membership are under consideration, with leaders set to make a decision on Friday.

Guam’s Governor Lou Leon Guerrero expressed to RNZ Pacific his aspiration to become a full PIF member, stating, “I want to be a full member of PIF. That’s my goal.” Dr. Tess Newton Cain, lead for Griffith Asia Institute’s Pacific Hub project, noted that if both American Samoa and Guam secure associate membership, it could be interpreted as a strategic move by the US to bolster its influence against China.

Beck commented that these issues are being examined by regional leaders and indicated that the original PIF framework has historically been based on sovereign self-governing countries since its inception in 1971. He pointed out that a variety of nations, including non-independent ones, are currently part of the forum and proposed questioning whether there should be a reform of the Pacific Community (SPC) to provide political inclusivity.

Former Guam Congressman Robert Underwood has similarly urged for Guam’s presence in the discussions, asserting that its inclusion is vital for recognizing its potential in the Pacific. While he acknowledged that some in Guam feel the territory has much to offer, he stressed that the real benefit comes from engaging with the broader Pacific community.

Underwood criticized the PIF’s rationale for excluding US territories, arguing that their participation would not only be beneficial for the region but also energizing for Guam itself.

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