Illustration of Sangam launches South Indian Cultural Book

TISI Sangam Honors Legacy with Cultural Tribute in Labasa

The Then India Sanmarga Ikya (TISI) Sangam honored the memory of their member Chalmaiya Chetty during the launch of his ‘South Indian Cultural Book’ at Subrail Park in Labasa last Friday. National TISI president Praveen Kumar received the first copy of the book from Mr. Chetty’s son, Keswan Chetty.

The late Mr. Chetty, originally from Tabucola, Labasa, was a dedicated member of the TISI Sangam Labasa, committing his life to the preservation of the Hindi language and cultural traditions. Keswan Chetty stated that the book serves as a guide for South Indian families to lead lives filled with devotion. He expressed gratitude to TISI for choosing this significant day to launch his father’s book, emphasizing the important lessons his father imparted about embracing their South Indian roots and identity.

Mr. Kumar acknowledged Mr. Chetty’s contributions, highlighting that devoted individuals like him are vital to the TISI Sangam community and encouraged members to emulate his dedication. He noted that this memorial day aims to inspire the younger generation to embody the values demonstrated by Mr. Chetty.

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