“Time to Heal: Ratu Viliame Urges Nation to Move On After Major Release”

Great Council of Chiefs chairman Ratu Viliame Seruvakula has commented on the release of George Speight and Shane Stevens, stating that it is time for the nation to move forward. Ratu Viliame, who played a significant role in military efforts to reclaim Queen Elizabeth Barracks from rebels in 2000, emphasized that the release of these political prisoners after over 20 years in prison offers a chance for healing and a fresh start for the country.

He acknowledged that while some individuals may be skeptical about the forgiveness process, the deep-seated pain experienced by many cannot be changed by anyone other than the individuals themselves. Ratu Viliame noted, “To not forgive is to remain in a prison forever,” referencing Nelson Mandela’s words about the necessity of forgiveness for personal liberation.

He expressed that reactions will vary, particularly among those who have felt the impact of past events, but emphasized the importance of a reconciliation process. Ratu Viliame remarked that only a higher power can facilitate true change in the human spirit.

The chairman highlighted that both Speight and Stevens are known to him personally, describing Speight as a cousin and Stevens as a former student. He recounted training Stevens as an officer cadet and expressed surprise at his actions during the coup in 2000. Ratu Viliame reflected on the lost years that Stevens faced as a consequence of his choices, indicating that life is defined by the decisions we make.

In conclusion, Ratu Viliame urged the nation to focus on moving forward from the painful history associated with the coup era.

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