The Unbreakable Bond of the Vakabua Siblings: A Tale of Love and Longevity

Many siblings face fluctuating dynamics in their relationships during their younger years, particularly throughout their teenage phase. However, as they grow out of their childhood homes, become adults, and establish their own families, they often come to view each other as equals and close friends.

Research has indicated that a strong bond between siblings in early adulthood can lead to increased resilience in old age, resulting in reduced feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. This insight sheds light on the lives of three siblings residing in Tukavesi, a village located in Buca Bay between the districts of Tunuloa and Cakaudrove.

Aseri Tavuna Vakabua, 92, shares his home with his younger widowed sister, Miriama Maiwaidranu Vakabua, who is 88. Their younger sister, Vika Vakabua, 84, lives just a short distance away, closer to the beach with her daughter, but her heart remains with her elder siblings.

The Vakabua siblings credit their strong family and religious upbringing, guided by a Christian ethos of love and kindness, as the foundation of their enduring bond. In a world where resentment and jealousy can create divides among family members, their story is truly inspiring.

“We live together. It can be challenging at times due to our ages and differing personalities, but it’s essential that we care for one another as siblings,” Miriama explained.

Miriama takes it upon herself to ensure Aseri, who has been frail recently, receives proper nutrition to stay healthy. “I’m the one who is always with him, and it worries me to see him in pain. Just last week, he was ill, and I had to give him herbal medicine to help him feel better.”

The forest near Tukavesi provides her with ample access to herbal remedies, and she trusts these natural solutions more than modern medicine. “There was a time he was scheduled for surgery, and I prepared a mixture of leaves from losilosi, wavoti, wasasalai, and kaile based on what a lady had advised me. That cured him, and I continue to give him those herbs when he has stomach issues.”

Vika contributes by preparing and delivering meals to her siblings every single day without fail. She approaches this responsibility with joy, recognizing that family members should support each other through life’s pleasures and challenges. “I don’t own a clock, so as soon as my dish is ready, I take food to them immediately. I pray for the strength to keep helping them.”

On the day of a recent visit, Vika was preparing rice and fried eggplant for lunch, emphasizing the quality of her cooking. “I always strive to provide them the best meals, the majority of which are boiled, but today I’ve decided to make fried eggplant for a little variety.”

In her youth, Vika used to fish to provide for the family, but age necessitates relying on garden produce now. “Our parents taught us to cultivate the land and enjoy healthy foods earned through hard work,” she noted. “Our meals mostly consisted of fresh produce rather than store-bought items, shaping my lifestyle to become largely vegetarian. I believe this diet has significantly contributed to my longevity.”

Aseri believes that reaching such old age is rare and often hindered by poor lifestyle choices. “I’m 92 years old, primarily because of my good decisions. I avoided excessive drinking and smoking,” he advised. “My advice to younger generations is to stay away from harmful substances, maintain good health, and ensure restful sleep.”

For Miriama, her spiritual beliefs play a crucial role in her longevity. “I read my Bible daily, despite not using glasses. Praying and engaging with Scripture gives me strength and fulfillment, contributing to my happiness and long life.”

She prays not only for her own welfare but also for Vika, recognizing her exceptional commitment. “My brother and I are lucky to have such a kind sister who brings us food every day. That is a significant undertaking, especially at her age.”

The story of the Vakabua siblings exemplifies how family shape individual values and character. Growing up in a nurturing environment enables siblings to display love and care for one another throughout life’s journey. While sibling relationships can be complex and evolve over time, grounding them in universal principles of love, respect, kindness, and empathy can lead to a life filled with abundant blessings.

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