The Hidden War: Why Women Fight Each Other on Social Media

The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre has expressed concern over the increasing number of women engaging in conflicts and displaying animosity on social media. During a live stream on the FWCC’s social media channel, counsellor advocate Lavenia Tuitabu posed the question: Who instigates the conflicts and emotional distress among women?

Tuitabu noted that these disputes often arise when a woman’s partner is involved with another woman while still in a relationship. Consequently, the women from both sides of the relationship end up clashing, often expressing their resentment online.

She pointed out that although women may feel anguish, they often protect their partners while targeting the other woman. Tuitabu explained, “In this conflict, women set aside their male partners and hurl hurtful words at each other.”

Moreover, she highlighted that the man involved remains emotionally unaffected and indifferent to the turmoil experienced by both women, indicating that he manipulates the situation. “When the women are fighting, we must ask who created this predicament? It was the man,” she remarked.

Tuitabu lamented the painful cycle, leading to the sharing of pictures of these women, who then become victims of harsh comments and online bullying.

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