Tears of Triumph: A Mother’s Joy at Her Son’s Remarkable Cadet Achievement

An emotional Marica Maramanikaisuva was overwhelmed with tears upon hearing her eldest son’s name announced as the recipient of the Baton of Honour during the inaugural cadet passing-out parade at Saint Theresa of Lisieux College on Friday.

Year 12 student Sakiusa Raiko’s accomplishment carries significant meaning as this event marks a key moment in the week-long centennial celebrations of the Saint Teresa of Lisieux parish. The parade featured Major-General Jone Kalouniwai, Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, as the chief guest.

“I couldn’t hold back my tears when my son’s name was called. Life is challenging, and witnessing this achievement makes all the hardships worthwhile – God is great,” expressed Ms. Maramanikaisuva from Lavena, Taveuni.

She shared the difficulties her family faces, working as subsistence farmers to support Sakiusa’s education. “After planting, we must wait four months before we can sell our produce at the market. Most days, we depend on the Sigatoka River for food and income,” she revealed.

Ms. Maramanikaisuva highlighted the importance of attending school events to connect with her son’s teachers and classmates. “The school, both primary and college, is situated across the Sigatoka River, and we have to climb a hill to reach it. Conditions can be tough, especially when it rains,” she noted.

“This school is special because it offers a holistic education – the church is within the same compound, so praying is integrated into their daily routine. He is our eldest, and we believe if he succeeds, his younger siblings will be inspired to follow in his footsteps,” she added.

For Sakiusa, who hails from Nalebaleba, Bemana, balancing school and cadet training proved challenging, but he remained committed to staying focused. Nalebaleba is one of four villages in the Bemana district, alongside Tonuve, Volinagerua, and Tuvu.

“The journey has been difficult for me and my fellow cadets. We’ve experienced ups and downs, but in the end, we can see the results of our hard work,” stated Mr. Raiko, who aspires to pursue carpentry and joinery after completing high school.

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