Taraivini Qaravi, a dedicated beekeeper and mother of four from Nasaucoko, Navosa, is making strides with her family business, “Sabolo Honey.” This enterprise has evolved from its modest origins into an emerging brand, showcasing the potential of local entrepreneurship. At 48, Ms. Qaravi embarked on her entrepreneurial journey over a decade ago, driven by her family’s passion for honey.
The name “Sabolo,” chosen by her daughter, reflects their hard work, translating to “sample” in Fijian, representing a significant step towards formalizing their beekeeping operation. What started as a family-led project, with her husband gathering honey and her children aiding in the process, has matured into producing bottled honey now available for retail.
Previously, the Qaravi family sold honey in bulk using unlabelled buckets. With the financial assistance of their daughter studying abroad, Sabolo Honey has transitioned to professionally packaged and labeled bottles that meet business standards. This progress was a revelation for Ms. Qaravi, who began realizing the vast opportunities in the honey industry. “We started with just two bee hives and now we have ten… we are slowly expanding,” she mentioned, highlighting her commitment to growth.
A pivotal moment in Ms. Qaravi’s business journey was joining the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), where she gained essential business insights and built networks with other female entrepreneurs. This experience not only encouraged her to understand the significance of her venture but also instilled the confidence needed to showcase their products.
Beyond profit, Ms. Qaravi emphasizes her dedication to community contribution and family investment, with aspirations to hone her children’s skills through this venture. “This business is not just for me, but for my family. It’s about creating something that will last and benefit everyone around us,” she asserted.
With a vision for Sabolo Honey’s future, Ms. Qaravi aspires to elevate it to a household name across Fiji. Her message to aspiring entrepreneurs is both empowering and simple: “Take that first step. Don’t be afraid to start. Once you take that initial leap, everything else will fall into place.”
The success of Sabolo Honey embodies the spirit of resilience and the sweet potential of local entrepreneurship, driven by family values and dedication. Furthermore, Ms. Qaravi’s journey is a beacon of inspiration, showing that with hard work and support, anyone can bring their dreams to fruition, much like her fellow entrepreneur Mere Yabakivou, who succeeded in transforming her passion for beekeeping into a successful venture during challenging times.
This narrative of dedication and growth not only highlights the journey of one family’s commitment to entrepreneurship but also inspires others in the community to pursue their own passions and ventures, contributing to the broader tapestry of local business success.
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