Taraivini Qaravi, a devoted beekeeper from Nasaucoko, Navosa, is making waves with her family venture known as “Sabolo Honey.” This flourishing business, which started from humble beginnings, showcases her family’s passion for beekeeping and honey production. At 48 years old, Ms. Qaravi’s entrepreneurial journey began more than a decade ago, fueled by a desire to transform their love for honey into a sustainable enterprise.
The name “Sabolo,” which translates to “sample” in Fijian and was chosen by Ms. Qaravi’s daughter, marks the family’s formal entry into the honey market. Initially, the Qaravis operated with just two beehives, selling honey in bulk using unlabelled containers. However, with support from their daughter studying abroad, who provides financial backing, Sabolo Honey has evolved into a professional brand that offers beautifully packaged bottles ready for retail.
Joining the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) has been a pivotal moment for Ms. Qaravi, allowing her to gain vital business skills and network with other female entrepreneurs. Through this academy, she found the confidence to present her products effectively and realize the vast opportunities within the honey industry.
Beyond commercial success, Ms. Qaravi emphasizes her commitment to her family and community. Her business is not just about generating profits; it’s about creating lasting benefits for her loved ones and contributing positively to those around her. “This business is for my family. It’s about creating something that will last and benefit everyone around us,” she asserts.
Looking to the future, Ms. Qaravi aims to expand Sabolo Honey and establish it as a well-known brand in Fiji. She encourages aspiring entrepreneurs with a simple yet powerful message: “Take that first step. Don’t be afraid to start. Once you take that initial leap, everything else will fall into place.”
The inspiring journey of the Qaravi family exemplifies resilience and underscores the potential of local entrepreneurship to thrive, even within challenging economic landscapes. Their story serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating how dedication and family values can lead to meaningful success in the business world.
This narrative aligns with a broader trend in the community, where other local entrepreneurs, like Mere Yabakivou of Yabakivou Liquid Gold, have transformed personal interests into profitable business ventures. Such stories of determination and innovation inspire others to explore their passions and contribute to the community’s economic growth, fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship and cooperation.
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