Suva’s Bold Move: Revamping the City’s Heart!

The Suva City Council is set to include the refurbishment of its operational buildings and properties in its budget for 2024-2025 as part of an initiative to beautify the city.

Tevita Boseiwaqa, chairman of the council’s special administrators, emphasized the importance of creating a beautiful and happy Suva. He noted that this year’s focus will be on internal improvements to upgrade standards.

“This fiscal year, we will start from Jerusalem and clean up from home first,” said Mr. Boseiwaqa.

Plans for refurbishment will cover various properties, including the SCC building, the Civic Tower, local markets, and Thurston Garden. Mr. Boseiwaqa highlighted the need not only to maintain these properties but also to uphold the financial integrity of the council.

He pointed out that there are several gaps that need to be addressed before any expansion can take place. The special administrators are prioritizing sound financial management, which is essential for their role.

Mr. Boseiwaqa mentioned that previously excessive spending on operational areas, such as overtime, is now being tightly managed. As a result, the council is saving between $25,000 to $30,000 each week due to better control over overtime expenses.

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