“Suva Market Vendors Demand Better Waste Solutions!”

The president of the Suva United Market Vendors Association, Sakiusa Bureisarasau, is urging for increased awareness regarding effective waste management at the Suva Municipal Market. Bureisarasau expressed concerns that some vendors lack proper knowledge about waste disposal methods. He mentioned that the Suva City Council (SCC) previously provided distinct bins for vegetable waste, but many vendors, along with the public, often contaminated these bins with other types of rubbish.

“Previously, we had a dedicated waste bin, but it was frequently misused,” Bureisarasau stated. He noted that the SCC is now sporadically collecting bins filled with waste. He plans to raise this matter with the SCC during their upcoming quarterly meetings, emphasizing the need for educational programs for vendors.

“While there’s a focus on collecting fees from market vendors, education about waste management is essential,” he added, pointing out that some vendors have limited education, reaching only up to Class 4 or 5. The association, which recently started, aims to address these issues in the future.

Association general secretary Ilisapeci Viriki advocated for more indoor bins for vendors to properly dispose of their rubbish. “Having more bins would encourage proper disposal. According to the bylaws, vendors manage their waste, while the council handles public rubbish. It would be more effective if there were smaller bins available inside the market for us,” she said.

In response, SCC chairman Tevita Boseiwaqa indicated that the council is revitalizing its Waste Minimisation Initiative, which includes a new composting project aimed at transforming vegetable waste from the market. He mentioned that the council’s vision is to gradually enhance waste management efforts and expand collection services to additional markets.

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